Origin of Sannigrahi Surname:-

Surname(उपनाम/कुलनाम ) and Title(उपाधि/पदवी):-

Surnames(उपनाम/कुलनाम) and titles (उपाधि/पदवी) or decorations used along with the proper names commonly added at the end of the names - are either genealogical or professional and sometimes topographical. The genealogical surname has been in use from generation to generation and is generally family names some of which may even have been personal names. Professional names have also been adopted as family names and are regularly used as surnames.

It has been a practice for quite a few centuries to award titles (उपाधि/पदवी) to persons who occupy positions of distinction in intelligence, learning, wealth, honor, etc. Persons who have rendered meritorious service to the country have also been awarded titles that have gone down from generation to generation and thus got absorbed as family names or surnames. Indian history from pre-Mughal days has shown that the ruling Hindu Kings had awarded titles to persons and families for either meritorious service to the country or for leadership in society. This practice has been followed by the Pathan and the Mughal rulers and by their successors, the British as well. Even in independent India, the Presidential awards on Republic day are a continuation of the old practice of honoring persons for their service to the country.

"All the leaves of the inverted Ashvattha (अश्वत्थ) tree, whether large or small, and regardless of their position, are regarded as equal. Similarly, all human beings are valued equally, irrespective of their differences in size & color or status, as all are created by Brahma through Manu, Satarupa, and the Saptarishis. Moreover, all souls transition from one branch to another in the eternal cycle of existence."

Sannigrahi Surname(ষন্নিগ্রহী):-

Sannigrahi is a surname (उपनाम/कुलनाम ) mostly found among Utkal Brahmins of  Bankura in the Indian state of West Bengal, and rarely found in other parts of India and abroad.

Arishadvarga or Shadripu /Shada Ripu (Sanskrit:षड्रिपु) meaning the six enemies. Shada Ripu is the six enemies of the mind, which are: kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), Mada (arrogance), moha (delusion), and 'matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of man.

 According to the opinion of most of the Sannigrahi Brahmins, Utkal Brahmins who defeated six Ripu (Shada Ripu) are conferred, the Sannigrahi title. In Bengali -কাম,ক্রোধ, লোভ,মোহ, মদ ও মাৎসর্য এইছয় রিপুকে যে ব্রাহ্মণ সংবরণ /দমন করতে পারেন তিনিই হলেন ষন্নিগ্রহী ব্রাহ্মণ । In the course of time, this title became the surname(उपनाम/कुलनाम ) and the later generations inherited it.*It is pertinent to mention here, Balaram Sannigrahi is said to be a forefather of all Sannigrahis.

Names and Surnames.

On this earth, where names are born,

A title given, love sworn or scorn,

A mark of place, a seal to bind—

A legacy we leave behind.

Surnames rise like rugged peaks,

Voices of clans, the ancient speaks.

In lines and letters etched with pride,

The world decides, who stands, who hides.

Yet walls of stone these names become,

To guard, to block, to silence some.

These syllables, like swords and shields,

They carve out pain; they build, they yield.

Between the names, a chasm grows,

Of justice lost and honor owed.

For names can burn or mend the soul,

Or lock it in a bounded role.

So rise, unmarked by name or kin,

Beyond the walls that keep us in.

With spirit freed from bonds and claims,

We soar beyond the weight of names.

What’s left is pure—a soul set free,

Beyond the binds of blood to be.


इस जन्म में मैं ब्राह्मण हूँ, अगले जन्म में क्षत्रिय हो सकता हूँ। इस जन्म में मैं मानव हूँ, अगले जन्म में दानव हो सकता हूँ। इस जन्म में मैं पशु हूँ, अगले जन्म में वसु हो सकता हूँ। इसलिए हमें किसी भी पहचान या स्थिति पर गर्व या आसक्ति नहीं रखनी चाहिए, बल्कि सत्य, तप, दया, दान, पवित्रता, प्रेम, भक्ति और करुणा को अपने जीवन में अपनाना चाहिए।

In this life, I am a Brahmin; in the next life, I could be a Kshatriya. In this life, I am human; in the next life, I could be a demon. In this life, I am an animal; in the next life, I could be a divine being. Therefore, we should not take pride in or become attached to any identity or status, but rather embrace truth, austerity, compassion, charity, purity, love, devotion, and kindness in our lives.

Hari Om Jap

I dedicate this article to my son ৺late Akash Mahanty

 author of Waybackpy,Videohash, etc
Appreciation Mail of  Jeremie Lumbroso
lecturer Princeton University. USA

#To know more about Utkal Brahmin click on link

🔗 READ>Utkala Brahmin : उत्कल ब्राह्मण: ଉତ୍କଳ ବ୍ରାହ୍ମଣ: উৎকল ব্রাহ্মণ:-

Prabir is an Indian author who was born into a Utkal Brahmin family in the Indian state of West Bengal. He is known for his books, which are sold through Amazon.com, Flipkart.com, and Abebooks.com. . Prabir is known for his genre/style of writing and has gained a dedicated following of readers who appreciate his unique perspective/engaging storytelling/etc. Prabir  has a passion for writing and has dedicated his career to creating engaging and thought-provoking works for his readers. His books and articles cover a wide range of genres and topics, and he is highly popular within the intellectual community for his contributions.

प्रबीर एक भारतीय लेखक हैं। उनका जन्म भारतीय राज्य पश्चिम बंगाल में एक उत्कल ब्राह्मण परिवार में हुआ था। उनकी किताबें Amazon.com,flipkart.com और abebooks.com के जरिए बेची जाती हैं। 12 लाख से अधिक लोगों ने उनकी किताबें और लेख पढ़े हैं।

Comment of Author:-

If anybody or any organization doesn't agree with any content of this article, he or they may mention it in the comments with documentary evidence and it will be corrected. Any comments in this regard without documentary evidence and source of Information will be treated as mala fide and will be deleted. 

Source of Information:-

1. Collection of information from Sannigrahi Brahmins

 & Utkal Brahmin scholars.

2.*Article of Dr.Nilanjan Sannigrahi.

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