
जनेऊ या यज्ञोपवीत धारण विधि। The procedure for wearing the sacred thread ( "Janeyu" or "Yajnopavita")

  Yajñopavītam (यज्ञोपवीतम्) English-and-Hindi version:- यज्ञोपवीत सनातन हिंदू धर्म के 16 संस्कारों [  गर्भाधान संस्कार: पुंसवन संस्कार:सीमन्तोन्नयन संस्कार:जातकर्म संस्कार:नामकरण संस्कार:निष्क्रमण संस्कार:अन्नप्राशन संस्कार:चूड़ाकर्म संस्कार: विद्यारम्भ संस्कार:कर्णवेध संस्कार: यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार : वेदारम्भ संस्कार :केशान्त संस्कार:समावर्तन संस्कार:विवाह संस्कार:अंत्येष्टि संस्कार: ]   में से एक है। यज्ञ रूपी परमात्मा के लिए जो प्रतिज्ञा सूत्र धारण किया जाता है, उसे यज्ञोपवीत कहते हैं। इसे जनेऊ या यज्ञ सूत्र भी कहा जाता है। जनेऊ के तीनों सूत्र देवऋण, पितृऋण और ऋषिऋण के प्रतीक होते हैं। यज्ञोपवीत (संस्कृत संधि विच्छेद: यज्ञ + उपवीत) धारण करने के संस्कार को उपनयन संस्कार कहा जाता है। उपनयन संस्कार के बाद बालक का गुरुकुल में विद्यारंभ होता है। यज्ञोपवीतम्-जनेऊ या यज्ञोपवीत। यह पवित्र धागा सूत से बना होता है, जिसे यज्ञोपवीतधारी व्यक्ति बाएँ कंधे के ऊपर और दाईं भुजा के नीचे पहनता है। यज्ञोपवीत एक विशिष्ट सूत्र है, जिसे विशेष विधि से ग्रंथित करके बनाया जाता है। इसमें सात ग्रंथ...

Origin of Sannigrahi Surname:-

Surname(उपनाम/कुलनाम ) and Title(उपाधि/पदवी):- Surnames(उपनाम/कुलनाम) and titles (उपाधि/पदवी) or decorations used along with the proper names commonly added at the end of the names - are either genealogical or professional and sometimes topographical. The genealogical surname has been in use from generation to generation and is generally family names some of which may even have been personal names. Professional names have also been adopted as family names and are regularly used as surnames. It has been a practice for quite a few centuries to award titles (उपाधि/पदवी) to persons who occupy positions of distinction in intelligence, learning, wealth, honor, etc. Persons who have rendered meritorious service to the country have also been awarded titles that have gone down from generation to generation and thus got absorbed as family names or surnames. Indian history from pre-Mughal days has shown that the ruling Hindu Kings had awarded titles to persons and families for either meritorious ...

Branches of Vaishnavism (Utkaliya, Gaudiya): Smarta and Vaishnava Traditions, and the Determination of Festivals According to Smarta and Vaishnava Practices.

English-and-Hindi version:- A follower who worships Lord Vishnu as the Supreme Soul is known as a Vaishnav. Vaishnavism is divided into four principal branches, all focused on the worship of Lord Vishnu, his avatars (especially Shri Rama and Shri Krishna), and other divine forms. The core philosophy of Vaishnavism emphasizes achieving liberation (moksha) through pure devotion (bhakti) to Lord Vishnu. The teachings of the Vaishnava Sampradaya aim to guide individuals toward liberation through steadfast devotion at the feet of Lord Vishnu. सच्चिदानन्दं परब्रह्म आद्याशक्तिं परेश्वरीम्। श्रीहरिं नारायणं च नमामि पादपङ्कजम्॥   There are four principal branches of the Vaishnava Sampradaya, each founded by different revered spiritual leaders and philosophers: 1. Shri Sampradaya Founder: Goddess Lakshmi Principal Acharya: Ramanujacharya Philosophy: This tradition is based on the Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism) philosophy, which states that while both the individual soul (jiva) and t...

Origin of Rath Surname

Surname(उपनाम/कुलनाम ) and Title(उपाधि/पदवी):- Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, physical characteristics, etc. Surnames (उपनाम/कुलनाम )and titles (उपाधि/पदवी)or decorations used along with the proper names commonly added at the end of the names - are either genealogical or professional and sometimes topographical. The genealogical surname has been in use from generation to generation and is generally family names some of which may even have been personal names. Professional names have also been adopted as family names and are regularly used as surnames. It has been a practice for quite a few centuries to award titles (उपाधि/पदवी)to persons who occupy positions of distinction in intelligence, learning, wealth, honor, etc. Persons who have rendered meritorious service to the country have also been awarded titles that have gone down from generation to generation and thu...